Skip the Resolutions and Set Some Habits
So it’s almost 2019 and many of us will start planning our New Year’s Resolutions because you know, it’s what we do at the beginning of the year. We write lists of things we WANT to accomplish, things we HOPE to do, things we NEED to do, and we have all the greatest of intentions to make them happen but most don’’s the sad truth, most New Year's resolutions are never accomplished. So why bother?
“Michelle, why are you being such a ‘Debbie Downer’?”
You’re right, that was pretty bleak, but what if I could show you a better path? What if instead of Resolutions and/or goals, I showed you how to build a new habit?
You may be familiar with the acronym S.M.A.R.T. for goal setting. I even wrote a blog about them in 2016, check it out here. George Doran, first introduced the framework of S.M.A.R.T. Goals in 1981 and it stands for Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely.
S.M.A.R.T. Goals are very valuable in starting the framework of habit change and to take it a step further, I’m going to introduce some topic covered by James Clear in his book Atomic Habits.
from Atomic Habits by James Clear (2018)
Goals = Results We Want
Systems = Progress Over Time
Example 1: Sally wants to lose 20# so she can be happier, she plans to exercise 4 times per week and has started Weight Watchers. She follows the plan and loses 20# in 6 months. Once she achieved her goal of 20# lost, she realized she was no happier than when she started because she feels handcuffed to her gym schedule and only eats salads.
Example 2: Joan wants to lose 20# so she can be happier and healthier, she plans to join a gym, and speak with a nutrition coach. Joan is hesitant to join a gym because has never been athletic but her friend Betty suggested she come with her to gym. On day 1, Joan just came to the gym and watched but on day 2, she joined in the class with her friend Betty. The instructor was very welcoming and helped Joan with her form and complimented her desire to try something new. Over time, Joan started identifying herself as a person who enjoys working out rather than someone who needs to lose weight. The nutrition coach offered a few key ideas that Joan easily adopted like adding vegetables to every meal and focusing on protein. Joan lost 20# in about 6 months but is now excited about adding new muscles (it’s almost tank top season).
We’ve probably all seen people who have had weight loss but put it all back on (sometimes more) was it the exercise, the diet, or the person’s fault? Maybe it just wasn’t the right system. Maybe the result wasn’t worth it?
The Fours Laws of Behavior Change (James Clear)
Make it obvious … if you trip over your gym bag, it’ll be easier to remember to bring it with you
Make it attractive … fancy new gym attire?
Make it easy … start with 2 minutes
Make it satisfying … find things you enjoy
How to Get Started
Habit Stacking: add habit onto something you already do. For example if you want to drink more water, pair brushing your teeth in the morning (something EVERYONE does) with drinking 16 ounces of water. That’s roughly 15-20% of the daily recommendation of half our body weight in water achieved before we even leave the house.
Start Small: when you start a new habit, it should take less than 2 minutes to do it. If it’s longer, pare it down...Start with mastering the art of showing up and it becomes a ritual which builds your new identity.
Use Instant Gratification in a Delayed-Return Environment: Most of the health and fitness goals/habits we hope to develop are long-term. We don’t see the benefits up close, “The cost of good habits are in the present. The cost of bad habits are in the future (James Clear).”, so start with some extrinsic motivation like a starting savings account for a “dream” purchase and pay yourself for each workout.
“Don’t Skip Twice”: Emergencies pop up and sometimes the best made plans get thrown out, but don’t let that derail the next workout session, get back at it. “The first mistake is n never the one that ruins you. It is the spiral of repeated mistakes that follows. Missing once is an accident. Missing twice is the start of a new habit (James Clear).”
My Journey
I can’t really say where I started, but I know I used to have New Year’s Resolutions but never achieved them (I’m a normal human). Then somewhere around grad school to post-grad school, I started a list of goals and did a little better (at least some were attainable). Intriguingly something I recall from this time was I tried to live “with no regrets” and attempted to try more new things. It lead me to focus on trying new things, one of which was playing on a women's professional football team. I was introduced to and tried S.M.A.R.T. Goals via a former job and while it did help me, I can’t say I always achieved my goals.
I would say though nothing has really stuck well until 2015 when I hired a strength coach and developed better exercise habits (though I had the knowledge to write my own program, I never pushed myself enough to find results). I think what initially caused the “stick” was that I paid for it but eventually I got hooked on the results. Being able to deadlift more and do my first pull up in my LIFE at 35 was A-MAZ-ING. I added healthier eating habits (actually those started in 2014) and became adept at meal prep and macros. I started with a “goal” of 6-pack abs and now I train in powerlifting with a goal of a 225# bench press and 400# deadlift (I started barely able to deadlift 135# in 2015 and my current PR is 367.5#)...I’ve definitely fallen in love with the process. I want to see all that my body is capable of and look forward to what my path brings.
I will continue on my path of self-development via coursework, seminars, reading, and networking with other professionals. If I fall off course, but I get back up and continue on my path. I’ll leave you this last bit of a great poem:
“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.” -Robert Frost
What’s Next?
If you’re looking to start a new exercise, nutrition, or mindset practice and would be interested in my online coaching please click here.